Bleach: Realm of the Broken Blade

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Bleach: Realm of the Broken Blade

A forum-based original AU Bleach RP.


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    Normal Afternoon [Closed]


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    Normal Afternoon [Closed] Empty Normal Afternoon [Closed]

    Post by Snopy Sat Mar 19, 2016 2:47 pm

    Normal Afternoon [Closed] Snopy_zps43d3f7db

    It was a beautiful day, and no one was excited.  There was a picnic and no one was invited cause it was not beautiful.  No it was average.  Maybe there was a picnic but Snopy had no idea where it was if it even existed.  It had been 2 and a half weeks since the incident where he met Ayumi.  She had basically given up on life, but after he gave her some time to think, she calmed down enough to accept his offer.  Her life had been crap, and she had lost the only thing that seemed to give her joy in her life up until this point.  He could not, in good conscious, send her back to her father.  Plus, while he barely had the right to live with how horrible a person he was, Snopy still condoned killing outside of necessity, and he would not MAKE it a necessity for Ayumi to kill him (which it might become if he continued to treat her like garbage).  So, he gave her a room, and she lived with him.  He was giving her time and space.  Eventually she would have to do something, but she was hurt.  Her paying him rent or something was not on his mind.  Once he felt she had ample time to recover, then he could worry about trying to make sure she can have a life.  Unless she absolutely abused that fact, he probably wouldn't ever charge her rent.  Breakfast had come and gone, and lunch had been eaten maybe an hour or so ago.  Snopy didn't have much to do today, so he ended up just reading a book.  Occasionally swapping to playing video games.  He was enjoying the book, so as much as he wanted to read it all, he also was trying to stall it a little so it didn't feel short lived.  All in all, nice and typical for a day at home.  That didn't mean his life was boring, he had gone out one night, but since Ayumi was still fresh off the bad luck train, he made sure not to leave her alone in the mansion for any excessive length of time if he could help it.

    She had improved, he noticed it when he looked at her. She looked less dead, even if the life in her had not truly returned. Honestly the way she was the first few days broke his heart, so he was just happy to see some improvement. She could function better now. He occasionally asked her how she was, to see how it had improved. Sometimes, he offered to do something to cheer her up, though as of yet they failed to bear much fruit. Beep beep. The sound of him dying in the game rung out across the room, well it was a handheld, so more like across the sofa. He was bad at this game and he knew it. He decided that was enough for now, so he put it down. To some extent, her being there was a nice excuse for him to relax. He tried going out on the town at night in his free time, which while fun, tended to be exhausting when coupled with his job. These last few weeks gave him a lot of r&r, so he was feeling pretty good. He'd have to learn to balance going out and having fun with relaxing if he wanted to feel dead in the morning. He thought he heard something. "That you Ayumi?" He asked. It was either her or his imagination, and he'd prefer it be her.

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    Normal Afternoon [Closed] Empty Re: Normal Afternoon [Closed]

    Post by Serenity Sat Mar 19, 2016 3:24 pm

    Normal Afternoon [Closed] Header%202_zps2kwi1kby

    For the majority of the world, the past two weeks had been normal. They went to work, picked up their kids, went to school, and had some fun when they found time. For Ayumi, it was limbo. She was stuck in between the idea of blowing her own brains out and trying to keep going. She had a second chance here, a way to maybe start a new life and build something for herself, but what was the point? She had no one. Her mother was gone, her Father should be dead, and her sister was. Every time she thought of it, the anger and shame resurfaced and caused her to cry. That's been her life recently.

    That wasn't it though. Not wanting to be depressing and a bother, Ayumi had actually kept a cold to herself. She could tell it wasn't bad, but at night she snuck out to the kitchen to drink some hot tea, warm up near the stove, and get some chicken soup in her system. In truth, she wouldn't be shocked if Snopy knew about this, but she didn't want him to think he needed to take care of her. It didn't matter any more though because now she was better. She had been feeling better the night before and confirmed it this morning. Still, she had yet to leave her room until she decided it was time.

    Ayumi got dressed in some clean clothes she had been provided. They fit pretty well, though she wasn't sure where they came from. She would have to ask Snopy about it and thank him, especially now that she was finally ready to maybe have a decent conversation. She walked out of her room and went to the living room, hoping to find him there. She did and sniffled a bit before approaching. He heard it because he called out to her. "Mhm..." she said weakly, nodding as well, "I was... I was wondering if we could get out of the house. I thought going grocery shopping would help me a bit..."


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    Normal Afternoon [Closed] Empty Re: Normal Afternoon [Closed]

    Post by Snopy Sat Mar 19, 2016 4:49 pm

    Normal Afternoon [Closed] Snopy_zps43d3f7db
    Ayumi came walking in weakly. Yeah, she had improved, but it still broke his heart. She was very weak. She wanted to get out of the house it seemed. "You do? Well I guess we're in luck. We're running low on food." Snopy said and stood up. He had gotten her some clothes since she moved in, so she wasn't stuck wearing the same exact clothes every day. He didn't explain how he got them, though he had a female friend of his over once, in shinigami form. Ayumi would not have seen her and she guessed Ayumi's clothing sizes by eye, and apparently it was pretty accurate. He even got her a coat to keep her warm. "If that's the case, grab your coat." Snopy took a moment, and pushed himself out of the chair. "If there's anything in particular that you think you need, put it on a list or just keep a note of it in your head." Snopy went and grabbed his coat, before grabbing his book and putting it back on a nearby shelf. He also took this time to turn anything off that he didn't need running while he was gone. "You sure you're up for this? The fresh air will probably do you some good though."

    Snopy would grab his wallet and keys, before leading Ayumi out of the house. Snopy didn't lead her to the car, even though it would be faster. No, he was gonna walk her 10 minutes to the nearest store. "I'll have a friend bring my car around once we're done so we aren't stuck lugging everything home by foot, but I think the walk will be good for you." Snopy would begin to lead her down the road. "So, you been okay? I know a lot's happened, but this is already the most I've seen you in a week, and some of the times before hand you looked...pale, yet your face and eyes were a little red. You weren't sick were you?"

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    Normal Afternoon [Closed] Empty Re: Normal Afternoon [Closed]

    Post by Serenity Sun Mar 20, 2016 7:43 am

    Normal Afternoon [Closed] Header%202_zps2kwi1kby

    Ayumi's movements were all slow. She was acting shy and fearful. She hesitated with everything she did. So when she was told to grab her coat, she did, but she hesitated as if she wasn't sure she was allowed to. Yes, she did this even though he had told her to. He got out of the chair and told her to make a list. She had already done so and showed it to him. Most of the list consisted of things to cook full meals, like roast, vegetables, stew meat, spaghetti noodles and sauce, chicken, and other things like that. "Is that okay? If I cook, I can make up for being here free." she explained shyly. She put her arms behind her back and had a habit of looking down as if ashamed of something.

    "Yeah, I'm sure. I need to do something." Ayumi and Snopy left the house and began walking. She pretty much forgot about being able to ride in his car until he mentioned bringing it. She was used to carrying things home. "Oh, okay then." she nodded. It was his choice since he was the one taking her. "Yes, I had a cold for a while, but I feel much better now. Thank you." she said. The two would take their time to get the store. Ayumi was mostly quiet and took her time in the store. She stopped at a certain aisle and stared at the condoms for a bit. She ended up not picking anything and went to pay. "Thank you... for buying everything. I'll try and cook something nice tonight." she said with the smallest smile as they began their trip back home. "So... Um... What have you been up to?"


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    Normal Afternoon [Closed] Empty Re: Normal Afternoon [Closed]

    Post by Snopy Sun Mar 20, 2016 8:09 am

    Normal Afternoon [Closed] Snopy_zps43d3f7db

    Ayumi brought up cooking as she showed him the list. Damn she was thorough. Yet her reasoning for cooking, while admirable, bothered him a little. "Of course you can cook, makes my life easier.'s entirely up to you." Snopy thought about it, actually, even if she didn't have to, having some role might help her. Make her feel like she has a purpose. He didn't exactly think that her true purpose was cooking for him, but until she was back on her feet, having a job to do might help. "Come to think of might feel better with some role or job to do. I was never one for cooking, so if you cook, it gives you something to do, and I can just...well, not cook." Really, if he is giving her a place to live, her only two options if he was to make her earn her keep would be chores or rent. He just gave her the easier job of just cooking. As suspected though, she had a cold. "You probably should have told me. I'm not a doctor, but I could have at least gotten you something to make you more comfortable." As they walked...oh look there was a bug! Oh a second bug! Oh my gersh, there were TWO bugs...having...well it's a good thing they were so small Snopy couldn't make out details. Bug sex aside, the walk was pretty dull. Ayumi was the most interesting part of it, and she was being quiet most of it. Ayumi took her time, and Snopy went off to grab a few things on his own. He came to the aisle Ayumi was in on the tail end of her looking, so he was unaware that she was just eyeing something up seriously.

    As he purchased everything, she thanked him for paying for it. He laughed a bit. "You sound like you're my wife when you talk like that." He laughed a bit, smiling in Ayumi's to show that it was just teasing. "You know, there are other ways you can thank me...though, don't go thinking you NEED to thank me. Just...don't go thinking that cooking is your only option." Snopy had forgotten to call his friend to bring the car around, so they ended up lugging everything back by hand. Thankfully it wasn't a huge order. "Nothing much lately honestly. Today I basically read a book and played video games, not exactly boring, but not exciting either. I haven't really gone out and had fun since you came. I've been worried." He nudged her a bit. "Maybe once you're feeling up to it, we can get you out of the house. You could use some fun, honestly you deserve to have a good time for a change." Snopy scratched the back of his head. "Sorry, I know this probably isn't what you want to hear. Anyway. Other than that I've had work, but things have been calm. So really I've just been relaxing most of the time." Finally they arrived back home, Snopy brought the bags into the kitchen and plopped them down before starting to unload the perishables into the refrigerator and freezer. "Help me unload the groceries, will you?"

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    Normal Afternoon [Closed] Empty Re: Normal Afternoon [Closed]

    Post by Serenity Sun Mar 20, 2016 9:01 am

    Normal Afternoon [Closed] Header%202_zps2kwi1kby

    Ayumi only nodded in agreement over the cooking situation. Well, it wasn't really agreeing, but more of an 'if you say so' without any words. "That's what I didn't want." Ayumi said bluntly, "I still needed time alone and didn't want you dealing with me." She spoke about herself as if she were some nuisance or an obstacle. When he laughed, Ayumi actually brought her head up. She looked at him with more light in her eyes than she had in a white. "Wouldn't that be a thing..." Ayumi smiled softly, sort of like she was day dreaming over something. "Cooking is just what I'm best at. Well, cleaning and laundry as well. I can do that stuff too." she explained. When they ended up walking back, Ayumi was fine with it. In fact, she kind of preferred it. She needed the fresh air and being outside was helping.

    Snopy nudged her when he was talking and she looked back up to him. "But... we are out of the house." her eyes shifted around. They were outside, so obviously they were out of the house! This was the tiniest show of humor that Ayumi could muster right now. "I don't go out often. I prefer being home where it's safe." Ayumi looked away from him when explaining that. She really didn't feel very safe anymore, so being home was what she wanted. "Don't apologize." she said softly and with a small smile, "You're being kind to me. It's all I could wish for right now. I haven't met a kind man in years." They arrived home and were starting to put things away. Snopy asked her to help, but she was already in the middle of it. She giggled and nodded, "Of course. It was my idea to go shopping, wasn't it?"

    While they were putting things away, Ayumi was quiet again, but not out of sadness. She seemed deep in thought about something. She had a hard time figuring out where some things went. She had been living here for a while, but not long enough to remember where everything was placed. After some time, the two got everything packed up and away in the kitchen. Ayumi went over and put her coat away where it belonged and then returned to the living room. She felt much better and was even acting like it. She sat down on the couch and tried to relax. "Snopy, what is your opinion on tradition?"


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    Normal Afternoon [Closed] Empty Re: Normal Afternoon [Closed]

    Post by Snopy Sun Mar 20, 2016 9:23 am

    Normal Afternoon [Closed] Snopy_zps43d3f7db

    Snopy shook her head. "I get it that that's not what you wanted to hear, but trust me, it really is no trouble." When Snopy made the joke about her being his wife, her words sounded like she was going along with it, but she obviously seemed...perked up. Snopy's brilliant sense of deduction wasn't as keen as it could have been, assuming the joke had just lightened the mood and it was affecting her quite a bit. It just didn't occur to him that she might have other thoughts drifting around up there, they only met 2 weeks ago, why would he? She could also apparently do cleaning stuff too. Well, it was kind of obvious how she was raised. Not that there was a problem with that really. Happiness was what mattered. Of course having to basically take care of yourself lends to those skills as well. When he mentioned getting her out of the house, she joked about how they were out. " excellent point. We are indeed out, and don't you feel better?" Of course she immediately brought up preferring to be safe at home. "Well, then just stick with me when you go out. No one will lay a hand on you if I have anything to say about it, and you can just enjoy yourself."

    She seemed to finally be loosening up, because she even was managing smiles. She even giggled when he asked her to help with the groceries. It took a bit of time because Ayumi seemed to not know where to put half of the groceries, but she remembered eventually. Snopy popped into the living room as Ayumi went to put her coat away. She came in and sat down, but immediately brought up a strange question. "Tradition? I never really cared for it. I mean, to some extent they do have to do with the local culture, and some traditions, like festivals, are good to have around...but most tradition seems to just be limitations. I'm not going to do something because tradition says so. I'm not going to not do something. I am my own person, and I make my own decisions. I respect people of tradition, but personally I feel they'd just hold me back. I'd rather break tradition and be happy than follow it and be miserable." Snopy had a teensy tiny bias. The Gotei's traditions is the main reason he was forced to up and bail like he did. He'd have rather not do that, but truthfully it was for his own safety. "Why do you ask though? That is such a strange question to just bring up? Not that I mind."

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    Normal Afternoon [Closed] Empty Re: Normal Afternoon [Closed]

    Post by Serenity Sun Mar 20, 2016 9:58 am

    Normal Afternoon [Closed] Header%202_zps2kwi1kby

    "Limitations..." she spoke a little quietly, "I can understand how it's seen that way, but isn't tradition what has preserved a lot of the cultural values of the world? I don't know... I feel like the lack of tradition has caused some to forget what's important. The bonds of family seem less important than a long time go. Honor is something that's not taught often either, chivalry is another. Many values have been lost over the years and I've always thought it was due to the lack of tradition. I guess that's wrong though. It was probably just another thing Father did to keep us under his thumb. He didn't teach us about happiness or how to find it. I probably wouldn't recognize it if it walked up and slapped me across the face with a sign saying 'here I am'. Thought it was supposed to be with family..."

    Ayumi sighed and shrugged. "My Father and Mother were both very traditional. He still believed in choosing a husband for me and Erika." Ayumi explained as if what she was talking about was normal, "Father said that none of the men he chose thought Erika or I worth their time. We were too dull for their tastes and apparently Erika and I were too close. I did not understand the many excuses Father gave. Sometimes I think he chose badly or made up stories to make sure Erika and I stayed home." Ayumi took in a deep breath. She felt like crying every time she said Erika's name, but was able to hold it back. She had cried enough and she didn't have to worry too much now. "I've just been thinking a lot about the rules that he set forward for us... Anyways, what kind of dinner would you like tonight?"


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    Normal Afternoon [Closed] Empty Re: Normal Afternoon [Closed]

    Post by Snopy Sun Mar 20, 2016 10:19 am

    Normal Afternoon [Closed] Snopy_zps43d3f7db

    "You're half right."  Snopy stated after listening intently to what she had to say.  "There are many traditions that started to make sure people remembered what was important, the problem is they don't advance with the times."  Snopy stood up and stretched.  "People, the world.  It changes, people adapt, the world adapts...and yet tradition stays the same.  It doesn't get updated, it either gets thrown out and replaced or sits there as a relic from an age past.  People shy away from it because once tradition has become obsolete, those who cling to it only do so for the sake of their tradition, or worse, to abuse it to their own ends."  Snopy went on to pat her on the head.  "Happiness...that is what is important.  Traditions often fail to truly remember that.  Happiness, love.  Not just for the family, but love to another non-related person.  True love.  It's often restricted to "So long as it puts the family in better standing."  In my opinion I think any good parent would be happy to see their child find happiness and love in a marriage, not just a dowry.  And don't get me started on sex."  Snopy shook his head.  "It gets labeled as taboo or evil, the sins of the flesh.  But sex and sexuality is natural.  No, of course you shouldn't walk up to some random person you don't know on the street and have sex with them right there on the spot.  But there's nothing wrong with wanting to feel good."  Snopy sighed.

    "Look.  I understand that to some tradition is important.  Just...remember what actually is important.  Personally, it was the moment that I tossed tradition out the window and chose for myself how to live my life that I was finally happy, consequently it was also when tradition stopped trying to take everything away from me, but that is a story for another day.  And what about my values?  Happiness, love, peace, life.  Those are my values.  Just because you don't follow tradition doesn't mean you're a terrible person.  And Ayumi, if you were to only listen to one thing I ever say, let it be this.  If you finally find it.  Happiness, no matter what it is, grab a hold of it and never let it go."  As he spoke he put his hands on her shoulders, and looked her straight in the eyes.  "Find it.  It might be closer than you think."  He said, before taking his hands off of her shoulders.  "Not sure what I want for dinner.  Surprise me."

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    Normal Afternoon [Closed] Empty Re: Normal Afternoon [Closed]

    Post by Serenity Sun Mar 20, 2016 11:05 am

    Normal Afternoon [Closed] Header%202_zps2kwi1kby

    The things this man said threw up so many flags for her. They weren't bad flags though. They were ones she would just have to think about for a while. Though the subject was tradition, Ayumi felt like she had gotten a complete lesson on life. She kept silent as he spoke on. She took in every word and understood where he was coming from. When he put his hands on her shoulders, she placed one of her hands over his. The last bit he explained about finding happiness made thoughts she had been contemplating seem only stronger. This man had no idea what he was putting in her mind right now. After staring directly into his eyes, not breaking eye contact for a couple of seconds, Ayumi smiled nicely and nodded. "Okay then." she said and stood up to ask him about dinner. It was about time she should get things started and he was nice enough to allow her to go wild and surprise him.

    Ayumi took over the kitchen for the next two hours. At times, she could be heard humming a soft tune and she ended up smiling the entire time she was cooking. If Snopy came in, she'd bap his hand with a ladle or whatever cooking utensil she had at the time and tell him to "shoo". She'd always do it playfully and return to cooking once he was gone. A wonderful aroma filled this area of the house for about thirty minutes before Ayumi called Snopy to dinner. She had the entire table set up. The main part of the dish was a nicely cooked roast. There were multiples types of vegetables, potatoes, and warm dinner rolls sitting across the table. She smiled when he entered the dining room and sat down after he did. Though a traditional action, it was sort of coded in her now. "I do hope you enjoy dinner." she said and once again waited. This time it was for him to begin eating his food first.


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    Normal Afternoon [Closed] Empty Re: Normal Afternoon [Closed]

    Post by Snopy Sun Mar 20, 2016 11:33 am

    Normal Afternoon [Closed] Snopy_zps43d3f7db

    After Snopy finished his spiel, she just looked into his eyes for a few seconds. He did not break eye contact, though he did wonder what she was thinking. She just went on to agree, or seemingly agree, with at least the last thing he said, then asked about dinner. She seemed happy to be allowed to do as she pleased, so she went and took over the kitchen. Snopy went to continue reading his book. After about an hour he wondered how it was going, but he was greeted by a bap on the hand and was promptly shoo'd out of the room. It happened a second time half an hour later. "Alright, I'm going. I'm going." He continued to read his book until she finally called him in for dinner. As he walked in, he was greeted with quite the sight. There was a roast, very well cooked. There were vegetables and potatoes and even dinner rolls. Snopy's jaw practically dropped. "Holy crap you know how to cook." The smell had been driving him nuts, but he could finally eat. Once he sat down, she did. He was so focused on the food he didn't even notice really. "This looks delicious."

    Snopy began to eat rather quickly, and oh man was it as good as it looked. "This is amazing. How did you learn to cook like this? Snopy continued to eat, though after the first few bites he remembered to pace himself. If not to avoid a stomach ache, then to savor the food. He had...well as much as he could of everything. He actually could eat quite a bit, his body had a funny thing about storing energy so while he didn't need to eat a lot, he could. His body would find SOMETHING to do with it besides convert it into body fat, which is why he was pretty skinny besides the light muscle tone. "You should never leave." He said it jokingly. He laughed a bit though afterwards. "But I can't really ask you to stay here forever, now can I?" She had a life to go live someday, he couldn't just hold her here. After he finished eating he just sat there for a few minutes, letting his stomach digest it. "You know...I feel like for how expensive they are, those 5 star restaurants really need to step up their game." After a few minutes he'd speak up again. "That is quite the talent you have there. There are things to it that simply can't be taught, I mean I usually either eat out or eat things where I can follow the instructions on the back of the box."

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    Normal Afternoon [Closed] Empty Re: Normal Afternoon [Closed]

    Post by Serenity Sun Mar 20, 2016 12:25 pm

    Normal Afternoon [Closed] Header%202_zps2kwi1kby

    Ayumi seemed to cheer up quite a bit when he began eating the meal she cooked. She smiled and the compliments she was getting were making her blush. He asked her taught her how to cook and she proudly replied, "My mother. She taught me everything I do around the house." Ayumi giggled and began to eat as well. He was eating quickly and she was about to tell him to slow down or he'll make himself sick, but as if he had read her mind, he did on his own. Although she could tell it was a joke, he said she should never leave. Who knows? Maybe she wouldn't. She did like it here and he treated her well. She just smiled and kept eating the portion she had given herself.

    More compliments! Ayumi giggled more and her smile was just getting more and more sincere. The light in her eyes was returning, but not fully. When she finished eating, she pushed the plate away from her and set her hands in her lap. She watched him as he finished. "Thank you... I really am glad that someone enjoys my meals. It's been a while since I've cooked anything this big. We couldn't afford it back home." Ayumi explained and even though she was talking about her home life, she didn't seem to get sad about it. "I'll clean up and we'll have dessert later." she said. Once again, he wasn't allowed to help or 'bap'. "I enjoy doing this, so it's okay if I clean by myself, Snopy. Thank you."

    Once everything was clean, Ayumi went to check on Snopy. "Do you mind if I ask you something personal?" she said a little nervously. He seemed to be okay with it, so she took a deep breath and sort of blurt it out. "What's sex like? I-I know it's an odd question... or at least a very personal one since your opinion will reflect your own experiences, but I've never... you know, and was curious..."


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    Normal Afternoon [Closed] Empty Re: Normal Afternoon [Closed]

    Post by Snopy Sun Mar 20, 2016 12:54 pm

    Normal Afternoon [Closed] Snopy_zps43d3f7db

    So her mother taught her, made sense. If she was traditional, she'd know how to, and she'd pass the knowledge on to her daughter. She was cheering up quite nicely, excellent! The more he complimented her, the more she seemed to lighten up. She might not have had much in the way of compliments in the past. "You say that like most people don't like your meals, which probably means they're either crazy or came to dinner on the wrong night and you served something they were allergic to or something." She was going to clean up, he'd have offered otherwise but she'd probably be just as adamant on the subject as usual. so he just let her do it. He went back into the living room and put a few things away he had taken out. He stretched and was almost considering going down to the theater in the basement when Ayumi came in. She was nervous, and she seemed to want to know something personal. "Ask away. No harm in it." He froze for a second when he heard the question.

    What was sex like? That was...he did not see that one coming. "Hoo-boy, that is...quite the doozy of a question. But...well." Snopy thought back on his experiences. "Well, the first time can be pretty awkward, especially if both people hadn't ever done it before. I mean over time people learn what they like. Good sex is...well I'll be blunt, amazing. If you can find out what your partner likes, and where they're sensitive, then poke, rub, massage it, bop it, flick it, tease it, whatever, you can really make them feel amazing, and they can make you feel amazing. I've...well I've had sex a number of times. Yeah, it doesn't always go well. But I find that if you really work towards making your partner feel good, and vice versa, it's an insanely gratifying experience." Snopy laughed a little. "Any part of the body can be stimulated to feel good if you let it feel good. Genitals, breasts, mouth, heck, stomach, hands, feet. Stop me at any time." Snopy went back and recounted some of his experiences. "I remember one girl I was with made me dress up like a doctor. I agree'd, but I made her put on a sexy schoolgirl outfit. One time another girl I dated broke something, and as "punishment" I made her wear car ears and a tail. I wasn't even mad at her, I just wanted to tease her. Like, it doesn't have to be routine. Role play, dressing up, and other kinky things can keep it spiced up. Really what I'm trying to say is, it can be a really bland experience, or an incredibly hot and fulfilling one. Which one really depends on if you and whomever you're with let it be satisfying." Snopy stopped and realized how much he said. "Sorry...that was too much information wasn't it? But's hard to properly describe my personal experience while leaving a lot out."

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    Normal Afternoon [Closed] Empty Re: Normal Afternoon [Closed]

    Post by Serenity Sun Mar 20, 2016 1:08 pm

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    Ayumi figured her question would catch him off guard, but he was willing to share, which made her happy. The funny thing was that once he started sharing, he didn't stop. Ayumi just listened curiously at first, but as he went on, things got even more personal and a little fun on his end. He seemed to be enjoying the fact that he could share so much and she liked that he felt comfortable enough to share all of that. Apparently he had a thing for dressing up too, that's an interesting trait to find out about him. As he went on, Ayumi's expression slowly changed. At first she was calm, then surprised, but then it ended on a jaw dropped, amused, and curious one. The questions that were flying through her mind showed in her eyes, but she didn't ask anymore. "Thank you for sharing that with me. I appreciate it."

    The rest of the night was calm. Ayumi wasn't too talkative, but she did try to keep small conversations up. She'd ask him about the things in his house and where he got them, or anything else that came to mind. After a few hours, it was about time for bed. Ayumi went to bed and fell asleep for an hour or two, but woke up some time around 2a.m. Ayumi laid there for a few minutes and got up. She walked down the hall until she got to Snopy's room and quietly stepped inside. "Snopy...?" she walked over and lightly shook him. If he didn't wake the first time, she'd shake him a bit more. Once he did wake, she'd smile and sit on the side of his bed. "Hey... I was wondering if you'd care if I slept in here tonight?" she asked. The question sounded innocent, almost like she was asking for a sleepover.


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    Normal Afternoon [Closed] Empty Re: Normal Afternoon [Closed]

    Post by Snopy Sun Mar 20, 2016 1:27 pm

    Normal Afternoon [Closed] Snopy_zps43d3f7db

    Snopy figured he went too far, but even if he did, she still seemed to appreciate it. "Yeah, sorry for going a little crazy. Not something you really...feel comfortable talking about every day, not sure why today it was more comfortable." He scratched his head. I mean, it wasn't the day, but who he was telling, that made this strange. He had friends whom if he wanted he probably could talk to about it. Yet this girl, a GIRL, he wasn't dating was the one who heard it. So they continued on the night. The conversations were small, but nice. The place felt more alive. She had a lot of questions, but some of the answers were a lot less interesting than they could have been. Though, he did have the one story where someone stole from a buddy of his, so they broke INTO the guy's house, stole it back, and just because the guy stole from them, Snopy decided to steal his odd collection of garden gnomes. Tis why he keeps them around the house, cause it makes one hell of a story. Especially the part where his pants ripped jumping the fence.

    Things were calm besides that, so soon enough Snopy went to bed. It wasn't long before he felt some nudging. In his daze, he didn't realize he had been stirred immediately, but as the shaking got stronger he woke up. "Huh? Ayumi?" Be blinked a bit, eyes squinted because he was just asleep. He rubbed them a bit and opened them. "What's wrong?" Apparently nothing, she just wanted to sleep in his room for the night. If he was more awake he might have put the puzzle pieces together, but he was a tad tired so he didn't. "Huh? Um, sure. If that's what you want." They were both adults, they didn't have to treat sleeping in the same room like they were teenagers. He slid over to give her some room, since he assumed she meant to be in the bed rather than on the floor. He rolled onto his back and sat up. "Any reason you? It's not like I mind. You have your reasons." And so Snopy laid back down, staring at the ceiling with a rather pretty young adult in his room, and soon likely in his bed.

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    Normal Afternoon [Closed] Empty Re: Normal Afternoon [Closed]

    Post by Serenity Sun Mar 20, 2016 1:41 pm

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    Ayumi was smiling at him as his eyes opened. She made sure not to startle him too much and asked the question. When he answered, she was surprised it was that easy. Well, a moment later she realized that yes, he was just asleep. She only hoped that when the morning came he wouldn't be too shocked. He scooted over to give her some room, so she slid into bed with him. She laid on her side to face him, a warm smile on her face. "I feel safer in here." she said. She hadn't exactly slept in here before, which is unlike what her statement had implied. It was more that she felt safer the closer she was to him, not in the room or anything like that. When Snopy laid back down, Ayumi scooted a little closer and waited. She gave herself some time to collect her thoughts and a minute or so later, went to place her hand on Snopy's stomach. "Snopy..." she whispered nervously, her voice a tad shaky, "Would you... have sex with me?" That question was embarrassing, so she couldn't even look him in the eye.


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    Normal Afternoon [Closed] Empty Re: Normal Afternoon [Closed]

    Post by Snopy Sun Mar 20, 2016 2:09 pm

    Normal Afternoon [Closed] Snopy_zps43d3f7db

    She apparently felt safer in there. That didn't make much sense, but some things like that didn't make sense. As he laid back down she got into his bed. She was close, he could feel her warmth. It was definitely something that drops your guard, especially when it wasn't entirely up to begin with. She was getting really close, and the warmth, in his drowsiness, was letting his guard down even more. Which is why at first, as she put her hand on his stomach, and asked what she asked, he didn't realize it immediately. However after a second. "Wait what?!" He was immediately in an upright position. She just asked what now? "Ayumi? Did...did you just ask if we could have sex?" It wasn't a tone of how dare you. It wasn't a tone of how could you ask that. It wasn't a tone of that is a horrible thing to ask. No, it was sheer surprise. " have sex with me?" He...wasn't entirely against the idea. If she actually paid attention he was kinda eyeing her body up, she really was pretty. He knows he'd enjoy it. " But why?" He asked. Not like it was a shameful thing, but genuinely unsure of why.

    "I mean sex is..." He remembered, he told her all of those things. That might do it. He had done it before and she was a total sweetheart, so he wasn't entirely against it...but was it the right decision for her? He didn't realize that the answer was probably yes. He was one of the nicest guys in existence really. If she asked his friends if there was a safer way to enjoy sex, they'd probably say no. They know him, and they know he would never hurt her or take advantage of her. He...was thinking about it. Still, he had to ask her. "Ayumi...just think about what you're asking. Is this really what you want?" Snopy had asked why, and he had asked her to really think about it. He gave her a bit to answer and contemplate, but then he thought about it. She really did need to feel good, and as long as it was a safe environment, there was nothing wrong with it. "Look, Ayumi. Think about it. And, if this is really what you want, then..." Snopy looked her in the eyes. "You can stop me at any time, but...get on your back, and take off the gown." If she did that, if she took off the gown and got on her back, that'd be the signal that her body was now ready for him to pleasure. To some extent, she could always stop him. He'd of course respect and oblige her wishes. But to another extent, at that point, there'd be no turning back.

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    Normal Afternoon [Closed] Empty Re: Normal Afternoon [Closed]

    Post by Serenity Sun Mar 20, 2016 2:23 pm

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    When he asked for clarification, she nodded shyly and confirmed with a whimpered, "M'hm..." When he asked for more clarification, her heart began racing faster and she nodded again. She sat up and stared at him. She was obviously nervous about this, but she was sure. The first time he asked why, she fell silent. How was she supposed to explain that to him. She wouldn't lie again! She wouldn't lie to him ever again, so she had to make sure her intentions were completely clear and he understood them. He was smart, so he would understand. She just had to explain it right.

    "I have thought about it, Snopy." she said and nodded again, "What I want... is to feel something good. For years, I've felt like I was living in my own personal nightmare. The only light was Erika... I hated my Father, my house. I was scared every day. And then I lost my sister and I couldn't really feel anything. I'm barely feeling anything now, truthfully. So I'm not gonna lie and say I've fallen for you. What I will say is that you make my fear disappear. I don't feel scared when I'm around you. That's enough for me to ask this. I just want to feel something, anything... with you."

    What he said next, she nodded in acceptance to. However, she wasn't entirely expecting the commands. She removed the gown she had been sleeping in as he had asked and laid on her back, her head slightly propped up by a pillow. Under the gown, she wore nothing but a white pair of lacy panties. "Don't worry... I know I won't stop you... I've heard it can hurt, so I might ask you to slow down or give me a moment to adjust myself..." she explained, pretty much making sure he realized that this really was her first time, "Besides those possibilities, I won't be stopping you."


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    Normal Afternoon [Closed] Empty Re: Normal Afternoon [Closed]

    Post by Snopy Sun Mar 20, 2016 2:53 pm

    Normal Afternoon [Closed] Snopy_zps43d3f7db

    The more he asked, the worse off she seemed to get.  But after a time, she went to answer his question and clarify.  What she said...was heartbreaking and touching at the same time.  Yet she may have unintentionally contradicted herself.  She said she hadn't fallen for him, and yet everything she said towards the end sounded like something you'd only say to someone you love.  Yet, now was not the time to question it.  She wanted to feel something...and apparently it had to be with him.  So, he told her.  If she was serious, she'd have to show it.  So she went to show it.  She was nervous, but she took off the gown, and he beheld her body.  It really was beautiful.  Petite, well formed.  All she had on were some white lacy panties.  He looked to her chest, no shame or nervousness.  They were about to have sex, so at this point there was no looking away to be polite.  He took it in.  She had very nice breasts, not small, but not too big.  Perky.  He put his hand on one, and slowly and gently ran it down her body.  It should have been just light enough to send a bit of a tingling sensation through her spine.  "You really are beautiful."  

    He spoke as he sat over her, bringing both his hands onto her breasts.  The female breast was usually very sensitive, he just had to find the right spots.  He slid them around, gliding his hands over the surface of her breasts.  It was quite gentle at first, testing the waters to see her reactions.  If he found a spot that seemed to elicit some notable pleasure or even a moan or sigh, he'd play around that area a bit, teasing and rubbing the spot, hoping to continue the sensation for her.  Her would bring his hand around to her nipples.  First, he'd brush over them gently, just to see what kind of reaction that would elicit.  He'd twirl his fingers around one nipple as the other hand rubbed the other breast, then switch.  He'd continue doing so until he thought he was getting ample arousal response from Ayumi, then he'd lightly pinch the nipple.  It shouldn't hurt much, if at all, but had her body taken to his touch, this should have sent a bit of a jolt to her brain.  A strange, but pleasant, jolt.  Snopy was glad he had done this before.  The main trick was finding her weak spots and pleasuring her there.  Every girl was different, but since Ayumi really wanted to feel this, she actually should have been pretty easy to pleasure.  He was very meticulous, odds were her body had taken to the foreplay and was incredibly receptive.  Snopy would continue rubbing, teasing, and otherwise pleasuring one breast, while his other hand slid down to her underwear.  Without yet taking it off, he'd rub a hand over her underwear, and along the outer lips of her vagina, attempting to tease through the cloth a bit.  Hopefully, she will have started to get wet by now.  He brought his mouth down to the breast he wasn't currently pleasuring, and lightly bit down on the other nipple, before pulling his head back. "Scared?"  He'd ask as he continued to attempt to elicit a response, looking to her face to judge how it was going and how best to proceed.

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    Normal Afternoon [Closed] Empty Re: Normal Afternoon [Closed]

    Post by Serenity Mon Mar 21, 2016 2:02 am

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    Ayumi was a woman very new to a man's touch. She had made her decision and Snopy accepted the chance to have sex with her. She was very anxious about all of this, but when he looked at her and didn't see the disgust she thought she would, a lot of those worries faded away. She visibly relaxed and felt more ready for this. "Thank you." she replied in a low sweet voice. Ayumi didn't take her eyes off of him until he reached out for the first time. She watched his hand connect with her breast and new things clicked in her mind. As he caressed her soft flesh, she felt even more relaxed, as if she were getting a much needed massage from a well-trained masseuse. As his hands danced gracefully along her, Ayumi began to feel something. It wasn't just the relaxing feeling, no. It was the opposite. She felt her body become excited and for the first time in her life, a moan trickled out through her lips. She didn't even know where it came from. She hadn't expected it, but when her body and mind began reacting to Snopy's gentle touch on their own, she accepted it as a good thing.

    Ayumi reacted quite well to the change from breasts to her nipples. A tingly sensation came from them being rubbed. She wasn't sure whether it was actual pleasure or just a sensitive area, but it made her finally begin to move. She gasped from the sudden rise in pleasure, a few light moans accompanying her surprise. Her legs became fidgety as the sensations in her upper body translated downward. It was another unfamiliar, but welcomed feeling. Ayumi looked back up to Snopy. Her eyes were filled with a curiosity. She wanted to know more, to experience more. And when she looked at him, she realized that he was doing the same thing. He was exploring her body, figuring out what she liked and didn't like. Realizing this made Ayumi smile and even happier with her choice. It wasn't until she felt his hand wander down that the nervousness returned. Her hands grasped the sheets tightly as a way to prepare for herself for what was coming. She wasn't entirely aware of how sex was done, so every new motion made her nervous. Snopy came down to nip at her nipple, arousing a cute gasp from her and causing her to lean her head back into the bed with tightly shut eyes. She calmed when he spoke. "Y-Yes... I am, but... I like it." Ayumi looked back down to him, her face red with embarrassment.


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    Normal Afternoon [Closed] Empty Re: Normal Afternoon [Closed]

    Post by Snopy Mon Mar 21, 2016 8:09 am

    Normal Afternoon [Closed] Snopy_zps43d3f7db

    Her body was reacting well.  Every motion seemed to be massaging away a lot of the fear she had. He could see her nipples perking up, obviously in response to the gentle caress.  Then, a moan escaped her lips.  It was a cute little moan, and one Snopy wanted to get more of.  As he moved to her nipples, he found a sweet spot.  She moaned and fidgeted, unable to stop her body movements.  The breasts and nipples were typically sensitive, but for Ayumi they seemed even more so.  Her response only made him move faster.  His gentle caress speeding up, and he teased her nipples even more.  Her sweet, yet still innocent eyes looked to him.  Eyes that spoke almost as much as her body did.  She didn't understand what was happening, but she wanted him to show her more.  Snopy was more than happy to oblige.  He was suspicious that he might be able to make Ayumi orgasm from her breasts and nipples alone, but that was not his intent.  As he caressed her lips, the pleasure she was feeling was obvious.  They had become moist.

    She was scared, but she did not ask him to stop.  In fact, she said just the opposite.  "I can tell...your body is asking for more.  You look cute when you're aroused."  He spoke as he felt the moistness through the panties, before pulling his hand up and sliding it down to caress her directly.  He gently searched, and quickly found the on button.  The clitoris.  He brushed up against it, seeing just how sensitive it was.  Her body primed accepting his advances, he wouldn't be surprised if just brushing against it sent quite the sensation up her spine.  He continued to massage one breast as he played with Ayumi's clit.  He rubbed up against it, and after a time, flicked it.  The hand on her breast was slowly speeding up, the more sensitive the breast got the more pleasure he'd attempt to give.  For a moment, he took his hand off her breast.  He had a plan.  He took that hand and ran it up her thigh, before bringing his fingers around to the soft flesh of her ass.  He smiled, but then leaned in an nipped at her nipple again.  Simultaneously, he lightly pinched her clitoris, hoping to send both waves of pleasure up and down Ayumi's body at the same time.  He continued flicking, teasing and pinching Ayumi's clit, as her changes his approach to her upper body.  He brought his head down and lightly sucked on her nipple, bringing his tongue in contact with it and playing with it.  Using his tongue, he flicked and glided upon the nipple.  It was strange, but the taste of her soft supple flesh was pleasing.  He took in every sensation as he pleasured her, even if he had not yet brought his penis into the picture, he was getting really into it.  Not once did he let up his assault on her clit.  It was like a game to him.  

    She was letting him have his way with her, so he wanted to see just how much pleasure he could put on that sweet face of hers.  She was being taken on free fronts.  His mouth on one breast, occasionally drifting to the other, as not to leave it out, one hand playing with his clitoris, and one hand just massaging and grouping the flesh on her butt.  He was secretly hoping he could make her orgasm from just this, then he'd continue and see if he could make it happen a second time.  If it didn't happen though, that'd be fine.  As he caressed her ass, she'd find him slowly slipping her panties down until all of her was completely exposed.  "Feel good?"  He knew she was new to this, but he was a little surprised.  With how much he was focusing on her, he was almost expecting her to wonder why he hasn't tried feeling good yet.  After all, she was new to this, she probably didn't realize he was.  Though, he did plan on more.  Penetration.  He almost didn't want to, because he didn't want to cause her pain with how cute she looked, but then again, only 47% of women's hymen tears during sexual intercourse.  With any luck, she'd be part of the other 53%.  Not to mention she'd probably notice the bulge by now if she looked. Before jumping to pulling his dick out and fucking her though, he wanted to see just how she was feeling after everything he had done.

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    Normal Afternoon [Closed] Empty Re: Normal Afternoon [Closed]

    Post by Serenity Mon Mar 21, 2016 8:57 am

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    The gentle caress of her bust was more relaxing than it was pleasurable. The tingle felt from her nipples being played with was more of a momentary rush that sent small sparks of pleasure over her skin. It was the clit that overwhelmed her. His first movements were over the underwear, teasing the most sensitive part of her body. But when he raised his hand and slid beneath the delicate lace that kept her covered, her body felt something wonderful. With each motion Snopy made, the quick massages of her clit sent rays of pleasure throughout her entire body. Her lower region warmed up and she could feel it swell beneath his finger. The unfamiliar sensation caused Ayumi's breathing to quicken. She whimpered his name when he complimented her, "Snopy..." in a tone showing her desperate for more of his touch. Her eyes were closed now. She couldn't keep them open even if she wanted to while her mind was being overwhelmed by fresh and beautiful desires.

    And then he took her by surprise. Her nipple was nibbled and her clit was pinched. Ayumi's back arched up toward him, pressing her breast toward Snopy and her toes curled. Her eyes shot open and she let out a loud moan that echoed through the room. She gasped as her body relaxed back into the bed and she looked down to him with wide and surprise-filled eyes. How'd he do that? She was curious. Had he found an extra sensitive spot? Or was it the combination of it? Ayumi didn't know. He kept going and after that last technique, that was all Ayumi seemed like she could handle. A plethora of moans, whimpers, and gasps escaped her. Her body writhed around beneath him and she found one hand still gripping the sheets, but the other was grabbing onto his shoulder. "Snopy, Snopy... More, more." she begged and pleaded with him, feeling something exciting raising up within her. Her stomach raised and fell with excited breaths. "There... Yes, it feels amazing." she said through heavy breathing.

    Ayumi's back arched and fell repeatedly. She could feel something coming, but it was staying on the edge. It was almost there, but wasn't fully taking the step her body very much wanted to take. She kept saying his name, begging him for more. With her eyes closed tightly shut, Ayumi clenched her jaw and moaned heavily through tightly shut teeth. She pulled on the bed sheets, feeling like she had very little conscious control over her body. This went on for maybe ten seconds, though it felt like minutes. Finally, with her mind being driven crazy, Ayumi realized she was there. "Snopy, it's coming." she said in exhilaration. A second later Ayumi's body erupted in ecstasy. Again, her back arched, but her body became rigid and stayed in that position for the seconds that her orgasm lasted. There was no more moans or whimpers. Instead, Ayumi fell silent. Her jaw was dropped as if she were ready to scream from the pleasure, but her body had frozen on itself. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head and finally her body slowly lowered to the bed. She laid there silent, her eyes stuck on the ceiling, and Ayumi tried to catch her breath. She didn't feel weak, though it could be compared to that. Actually, Ayumi's body felt completely relaxed, as if all the tension and stress, at least for this moment, was gone.


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    Normal Afternoon [Closed] Empty Re: Normal Afternoon [Closed]

    Post by Snopy Mon Mar 21, 2016 11:43 am

    Normal Afternoon [Closed] Snopy_zps43d3f7db

    As the pleasure swept over her like a wave, she became more and more open.  Her nether regions, which were already warm, heated up under his finger.  She moaned his name, it was practically like she was begging for more.  Of course, that was a good thing.  When he decided to see what happened by ambushing her with the breast nibble and the clit pinch, it went better than he could have hoped.  Her back arched, pressing the soft flesh of her breast into his face, while she let out quite a loud moan.  Good thing his walls were solid and his yard was large, that way no one had to listen to her moaning in ecstasy.  That seemed to have broken down the wall of resistance that her nervousness had formed.  As he continued to pleasure her, her body had completely given in.  As she told him where it felt best, he immediately gave that location special attention, fondling it in any way he could get an active response, while continuing to keep the rest of her body on edge.  He held back at first, holding her close to the edge for just a bit, but he knew she wanted it and he was going to give it to her.  He sped back up, and she definitely was at the edge.  She mentioned "it" was coming.  It, the word seemed to be nonvenomous with orgasm, even in girls who didn't know much about intercourse.  That's when she froze up, she had hit that edge.  Snopy smiled, he had brought her to climax using just his hands and a bit of his mouth.  Once she was done, she just laid there, staring at the ceiling.  Snopy gave her a moment's respite, gently caressing her cheek with his hands.  "How'd it feel?"  

    After being given a short window to just recover, Snopy put his hand right back down to her exposed genitals and flicked the clitoris once more.  "We're not done though...that was just foreplay."  Snopy said as he began to pull down his pants.  He was turned on, and the bulge showed it.  His shirt was the next to be removed.  Then, finally, he took off his underwear, revealing his erect member.  His penis, about 8 inches long.  It was above average in size, but he wasn't aware of it's exact size.  He never saw it necessary to compare his to others.  It was certainly ready to go.  Quite honestly, he wanted to fuck her senseless.  Of course it was her first time, and even if the hymen didn't break, it would likely still hurt.  Therefore he'd be gentle, as gentle as he had to be to make sure she still enjoyed the experience.  He took this chance to spread her legs wide, leaving her genitals completely exposed.  " most likely going to hurt at first.  Brace yourself."  Snopy kept her legs separated as he did the initial aiming.  She had likely never even pleasured herself, so that vagina was tight.  He first brushed the tip along the lips of her pussy.  Things would likely still be pretty sensitive down there.  Once he thought she had had a moment to brace herself, he pushed his penis in.  As he pushed, he could feel light jolts going through his head.  Once it was all the way in, he realized just how tight it was.  It actually hurt just a little, but he knew that once they stretched that'd go away.  By now he was leaning over her, he could see into her eyes.  They were connected now.  He was inside of her.  Since it was her first time, some warning would be in order.  "I'm going to start moving, okay?"  He'd give her a second, and then begin gently thrusting in and out.  This was almost a new sensation to him.  He had never actually been in a vagina this tight before.  As expected, the initial pain from the tightness passed and it began to feel amazing.  He thrust slowly, and each push and pull felt electric.  It was almost like there was a suction, that her vagina was just sucking his dick in and refusing to let it go.  It felt so good, he ended up subconsciously speeding up.  Slowly speeding up in fast, but rhythmic, motion.  His own breathing was speeding up as he felt more and more pleasure.  He looked to her to see how she was doing.  If he ended up going to fast he'd slow down for her.  What he was really hoping to see though, was the initial pain slowly fading and being replaced be waves of pleasure.  Even if the pain didn't subside during this session, he hoped it'd start feeling so good that she didn't care.  As he went, he'd speed up and slow down, not only to minimize pain, but to locate what speed elicited the most response.  The tricky part, was which speed was optimal for her pleasure would be changing as the sex went on.  As for him, it seemed to feel amazing no matter what speed he thrust at,

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    Normal Afternoon [Closed] Empty Re: Normal Afternoon [Closed]

    Post by Serenity Tue Mar 22, 2016 1:52 pm

    Normal Afternoon [Closed] Header%202_zps2kwi1kby

    "I don't know how to explain it." she said, placing her hand over her chest, "My heart is beating so fast..." Ayumi looked to him with an expression that showed she had just experienced something she didn't understand and she loved it. Ayumi's entire body jumped as a sudden shock of pleasure shot through her. She looked at Snopy and blinked in surprise. "Really?" she asked like an excited child finding out there were more hidden presents in the closet. Something just felt incomplete when Ayumi thought about what had occurred though. He didn't get anything out of that. It was all her, wasn't it? She was unaware of the mental gratification a man felt when they made a woman go crazy.

    Ayumi watched with fascination as Snopy removed his clothing. First off, she had never seen a naked man before, especially pertaining to the lower area. When she got her first look, she couldn't help but reach out and touch him. Knowing that men were sensitive there, though she thought only in painful ways, she was gentle. A moment later, she felt embarrassed and pulled her hand away. She looked up to him with a blush, wondering if she had done anything wrong. They continued on this adventure and Ayumi braced herself as she was told. It was supposed to hurt? Her heart began racing out of nervousness again and she bit her bottom lip, bracing herself like Snopy told her to do.

    She couldn't help but watch him as he placed himself at her entrance. Feeling the tip of him brush against her already extra sensitive nub, she shivered and whimpered. A moment later, Ayumi's eyes widened in pain as he pushed himself in her. Out of reflex, she shot her hands up and grabbed on to his shoulders, squeezing a little harder than she realized. She groaned in pain, practically screaming into her closed mouth because she didn't want to be too loud. Tears formed and her body tensed, causing her muscles to tighten, especially the walls that encased this nicely sized intruder. "It hurts. It hurts. It hurts." she said when she finally felt like she wasn't going to scream anymore.

    When Snopy leaned down into her, Ayumi wrapped her arms around his neck and legs around his waist. She didn't want him to take himself out, so she kept him close. She hugged him. Her body was shaking and very tense. It took a couple of minutes for the pain to calm and he could feel her body calm down and relax a bit. Once she was able to relax, she let him go and took a few deep and calming breaths. She still wanted it, all of it, but the pain was a type that she didn't expect. When he said he was going to start moving, she nodded and smiled the best she could. Not wanting to show any of her discomfort, as he began moving, she closed her eyes and tried to seem relaxed.

    His thrusts were painful at first. She kept clenching the sheets and fighting tears, but there was something else there. Something deep within her began to emerge and take over. Within a minute, Ayumi's entire body relaxed and she opened her eyes. Her entire expression changed away from pain and fell into curiosity and pleasure. "It feels good..." she said and spread her legs a bit more, inviting him deeper within her. He began speeding up and Ayumi couldn't control the incessant moans that escaped her. The faster he went, the better she felt, but there was something else she wanted from this. She reached up and touched his cheek, begging him through moans, "Kiss me."

    Posts : 170
    Join date : 2015-02-12

    Normal Afternoon [Closed] Empty Re: Normal Afternoon [Closed]

    Post by Snopy Tue Mar 22, 2016 2:52 pm

    Normal Afternoon [Closed] Snopy_zps43d3f7db

    She seemed too happy, when she realized that all they had done was foreplay she seemed excited.  She was still entirely sensitive, as the flick apparently hit her pretty hard.  Snopy nodded as he undressed.  She seemed a little curious about his genital region, but as she went and touched it she embarrassingly pulled her hand away.  She looked up to him, but she would find no signs of having made a mistake.  Then, he entered her.  At first she whimpered, but then...obvious pain.  Snopy knew it was coming, still he had hoped.  He gave her all the time she needed to adjust.  She squeezed his shoulder, which hurt but was mostly inconsequential.  After a time, she began proclaiming the pain she was in.  Yet, as he leaned over her, she wrapper herself around him.  He couldn't pull out now even if he wanted to, which he didn't.  He moved slowly, knowing through her poor attempt to hide it that she was in pain.  Still, once the jolts started to happen, that became difficult.  Sometimes, they shot all the way up his spine.  Sometimes, they simply shot up his shaft and to his balls.  It felt amazing.  Finally, she said that it felt good.  He immediately sped up as a result, as now her body was beginning to enjoy it.  She spread her own legs even more and, immediately knowing what it meant, he began to pound her harder.  Deeper.  Before it was just hitting most of it, but now her entire vagina would be feeling his penis.  By now, she would have felt the penis expand slightly.  He was already hard before, but now it had gone all the way.  He snapped out of it when she touched his cheek.  "Kiss me".  He was both shocked and yet not surprised about this.  On one hand sex is usually considered intimate, and they were doing that.  On the other hand, a kiss is a different type of intimate.  Still, her lips did look rather tasty.

    He had been holding himself over her, but he brought himself down.  Without any hesitation, he brought his lips unto hers.  He continued to thrust, slowly speeding up still, but now he had another thing to play with.  It stayed simple at first, merely kissing her a few times.  But then, his tongue gently pressed it's way into her mouth.  The predator was on the hunt, and it had entered it's prey's domain.  Of course, it didn't take long for it to find it's mark.  Snopy's tongue immediately found hers, and began to play with it.  He brushed against it, swirled his tongue around it.  His tongue made hers it's own.  The forbidden dance with forbidden steps.  He kept making out with her for at least a minute before pulling back.  He looked her in the eyes to see just how she felt.  "Want more?"  He spoke, basically inviting her to come claim his lips for herself now.  Down in pelvic thrust land, he had only continued to fuck her harder.  It was fast, it was rhythmic, it was strong.  He'd only slow down if she showed signs of wanting to slow down.  Otherwise, from how her body was reacting, he assumed she liked being fucked this hard.  The shocks of pleasure were becoming more frequent, and his own focus was starting to waver.  He was close, it wouldn't be long before he himself came.  "I think I'm just about there."  He spoke.  He knew it was coming, though he hoped she was close too.  He'd rather her finish before, or as, he did.  Still, if it came to it, he'd finish her off afterwards.

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